I'm gonna be honest with you (as always).

I was once so busy because an unusual amount of orders rolling in, I simply slipped on my own social media marketing. I had some huge deadlines, but my ADD-brain just couldn't stop drifting away to the fact that I hadn't posted anything for a while, and that I was overdue of planning my own content.
It was 10:30 p.m. on a Monday. Far away from my "ultimate posting time" and still lots to finish for that client. I kept telling myself "prioritize your clients, Gaby, always.." But then, in what felt like a millisecond, my arm was up: smartphone in hand and a selfie snapped. My thumb quickly located the Instagram app and opened it up. I pressed the + plus button, uploaded the raw image from my camera roll, far away from fitting my brand colors or visual identity on Instagram. Far from "perfect". I wrote the shortest caption ever: one heart-emoji. I remember thinking "yeah, well, what's the worst that can happen? Nobody sees it, and nobody interacts with it." (I didn't really open up for a discussion with my caption..). In 3 minutes I had posted a new image to my feed.
An hour flew by. 2 likes. Ha, I thought, and decided to put Instagram to the rest for the remaining night.
The next morning, I checked my Instagram, like I usually do in my morning routine. 10 more likes. 2 comments with responding hearts. Figure, no "breakthrough."
I continued to deal with my e-mail inbox. My eyes quickly glanced over the unread, trying to establish priority by skimming through the previews. One email caught my eyes. It was from a contact I have at an agency. Sent late the previous evening. I opened it up. "Hey Gabs, how you doing? Saw your post on Instagram yesterday and came to think about you. Listen, we might need your help with a client project here, we're short on staff.. can you take a quick brief meeting this week?"
BAAM. So, for the future, remember this:
F*ck perfection! Perfection is the disguise of insecurity.
Stop counting likes. Trust me: people are watching.
Post. Don't think.
Now go rock your business super star.